Monday, February 15, 2010

creepy picture

deleted pics...couldn't stand it

the growing out of the hair
i decided to do this every 4years
anyone who knows me
knows i have never made it past my shoulders
i have no will-power against the shininess of sharp scissors
4th grade was my first short haircut
my grandma's doing with a perm to boot
never looked back
with a pixie i feel so free
hair is hair is freedom
one day i will shave my head
until this day
my last attempt to grow my hair has began
(matthew...think pic look like an Conan skit -if they mated with me)


~Jill said...

none of them do your luxurious curls justice and yes, they are a tad creeepy. i am on your page with the determination to have long hair i love and will keep!

jodi said...

wish i made these picture smaller...creepy every time i open my page.

jodi said...

ok...delete on these pics...sorry i cannot look at it anymore!