Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ten on ten

Take a photo once an hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty among the ordinary things of your day


KV said...

You have an adorable family! I especially love those pretty dresses. Thank you for your lovely comment too. :)

jodi said...

thanks...i made the apple and pear one.

my first dress EVER!

many many many thanks :)

dillydee said...

Who'da thunk my pardy buddy from days past would one day have such amazing domestic (and photographic) talent?! The dress is simply beautiful and your pictures are always impressive. I love this "10 on 10" idea. It's a nice lil window to your world. I might try it some month soon... if I remember on the correct date!

Jennifer said...

Awww...welcome to 10 on 10! I didn't pick it up for the spring/summer but did it for a full year in's a nice way to document life.