Saturday, June 20, 2009

blah blog

Anyone who has children should be familiar with baby Einstein programs and products
Today I feel like this guy....Blah!
Reasons why?

1# I broke my new bathroom sink while being stupid. I think I want to blame it on my husband -just because I don't want to admit it's my fault.
2# My daughter is totally unparentable while at her grandparent(s) house of fun
(it's as if I don't exist while in the realm of shear happiness)
3# Why won't my little man just get this tooth already so I can start weaning him.
4# So, I really don't want to wean; but I am sick of pumping and painful nursers.
5# Why can't all my friends move closer so I don't have to be alone when I decided to go out on a whim.
6# Just an after thought -grandparent has the word "parent" in it? Oh crap, but it also has the word "grand"...grander than parents?
7# I am so super tired of working EVERY weekend.
8# However, I am grateful to have a job but knowing everyday that it's not secure is crap.
9# Sick of worrying about issues beyond my control.
10# BLAH
This is my "Blah" blog...feeling less "Blah" now


~Jill said...

i wish i lived closer too...then we could have BLAH time together! i love you and i miss you TONS!
ps-your pictures are gorgeous!

Jennifer said...

On a side note:
That blah guy? He was August's favorite thing about that video. We were doing a bit of shopping for a baby the other day and he found the puppet and got so excited...he's 10 now...didn't think he'd remember something from that long ago!

dillydee said...

I once read somewhere that if we could all toss our problems out for a trade, we'd snatch our own right back. Sounds nice, but I'm not always sure! I hope yer feelin better. One day my shoulder will be near enough to cry on.... beat on.... bitch at.... wutever! We should start circulating another "dammit doll!"